In the world of One Piece there are a lot of incredibly powerful characters; besides their awesome strength and fighting skills, most of them also own some Devil Fruits powers.
We know that there are 3 types of Devil Fruit: the Zoan, which can transform the user’s body in a specific animal and make it gain its abilities, the Paramecia, which can transform the user’s body in different ways, such as giving it a diamond-like consistency or making it able of generating shockwaves and the Logia, which allow the user to transform their body into an element and use this element to attack and defend themselves.

Some Devil Fruits seem to be useless, while others have amazing destructive powers; but where do they come from?
In order to answer this question, today I’m gonna introduce you my theory about this!
Let’s start from two information that everybody knows: first of all, when a Devil Fruit user dies, their fruit will respawn at a nearby location and, secondly, thanks to their cooperation, Doflamingo, Ceasar Clown and Vegapunk have been able to create artificial Devil Fruits called “Smiles”.
In addition, as far as we know, Smiles are only Zoan-types Devil Fruits; have you ever had some doubts about why they couldn’t create also Paramecia-type and Logia-type artificial Devil Fruits?

Now, try to make a connection between One Piece and Fullmetal Alchemist: in the world of Fullmetal Alchemist, one of the biggest (and most dreadful) discovery ever made is the fact that the Philosopher’s Stone is created thanks to human sacrifices; for this reason, we could assume that Smiles are created thanks to animal sacrifices and this fact would explain why they are only Zoan-types.

If I didn’t succeed in convincing you at all and you don’t believe that Dr. Vegapunk is a man capable of sacrificing animals, how can you explain his capacities of fusing animals and Devil Fruits? Of course, he achieved those results because he did a lot of experiments on animals, so why couldn’t he have tried to use them also to create artificial Devil Fruits?

At this point, there’s also another important question that needs an answer: how have been Paramecia-type and Logia-type Devil Fruits originally created if nowadays no one is capable of recreating them artificially? Following the same logic we used before, that kind of Devil Fruits are supposed to come from human sacrifices.

“It’s impossible that the World Government sacrifices people and nobody knows anything about it!” and you’re right. In fact, I don’t think that the World Government nowadays sacrifices people; on the contrary, I believe that those sacrifices have been done during the Void Century, using people coming from the Ancient Kingdom, and nowadays when a Devil Fruit user dies the fruit respawns because it was originally made by thousands of human souls and they allow it to respawn for a number of times proportional to the number of souls it contains. Furthermore, the stronger a fruit is, the more people have been used to create it.

This also explains why a Devil Fruit which allows his user to live forever can’t exist: first of all, it should have been made sacrificing an infinite amount of people and this is completely irrational and impossible to imagine, and secondly it could never respawn because its user would never die.
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