As we know, after the Marineford war, Sengoku resigned and Akainu took his place, becoming the new Fleet Admiral; consequently, Aokiji resigned too because he didn’t want to follow Akainu’s orders. In a situation like this, the Marine established a “global military enlistment”, during which they achieved finding Aokiji’s and Akainu’s substitutes: Fujitora and Ryokugyuu.

We have already seen Fujitora during the Dressrosa Arc, but what about the mysterious “Ryokugyuu”? Everything we saw about Fujitora in Dressrosa was great, so in my opinion we could expect something even better from him, especially because Doflamingo defined the two new Admirals as “two venerable beasts” and this means that Ryokugyuu is at least as strong as Fujitora, or even more.
Despite all these information, now let’s talk about Ryokugyuu!

First of all, although “Ryokugyuu” is his real name, in the english translation it means “Greenbull”, so that we can also call him by this name.
Secondly, is Greenbull male or female? Unless the Admiral’s name is supposed to be a masculine name, it is also possible that Greenbull is a female character, since in the world of One Piece there are very few strong women.

And what about his presumed abilities?
We know that often the characters’ names contain some information about their abilities and/or their attitude, so, in the name “Greenbull”, the color should represent the character’s ability or the element on which he has control, while the animal should represent his personality. Following this logic, a bull could mean that this Admiral has a kind of barbarian, savage, irrational, aggressive and overwhelming personality, maybe similar to Kaido’s one. But what about the green color?
Well, to begin with, Greenbull is supposed to own a very powerful Devil Fruit like the other Admirals and his strength has to be related with the color green; thinking about all the possible meanings of this color, he could be able to control radiations (like Hulk’s gamma radiations), nature and trees (like Hashirama’s wood release) or also he could be the owner of an incredibly rare time control Devil Fruit.

Examining all the previous possible options, radiations are quite unlikely because they come from a technological era and the One Piece era, in my opinion, is still not enough technological to know something about radiations; tree or nature could have more sense, since in Naruto Hashirama was really strong thanks to his special kekkei genkai, while the time control Devil Fruit should be something very limited and restricted as far as its abilities are concerned, since we know that, if a person can control time, then they are supposed to become almost a highlander and an allmighty being, something more similar to a god than to a human.

Furthermore, if you search for other meanings of the green color on the Internet, you will find out that it is also related with different concepts: “balance” (so he could be able to make his enemies lose their balance), “calm” (so maybe he is able to make his enemies impotents and powerless), “hope” (so he could have the ability to make his enemies lose their hope and dispairing), “putrefaction” (so he could be able to decompose people and things or also just accelerate their aging); moreover, as far as human’s body aura is concerned, the green color represents the force which makes us wanting to control other people, so maybe that Greenbull has the power to control other people’s will and movements.

In conclusion, we can’t know for sure what his abilities are, but here we have some information to think of and I sincerely hope that he will be a tremendous opponent.
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