The Location of The Final Road Poneglyph In One Piece

The Poneglyphs are huge stones with text engrave upon them. By now, I’m sure you know what the Poneglyphs are, and what purpose they serve. The are Poneglyphs that are called Rio Poneglyphs, and there are also those that tell the location of the Ancient Weapons, like the ones at Alabasta, and Skypiea. It goes without saying that the Poneglyphs are one of the most important aspect of the One Piece series.

Even though we don’t know a lot about the Void Century, eventually, the Poneglyphs will play their role, and we’ll find out what actually happened during the 100-year period. The Poneglyphs were actually created by the Kozuki family, and they also had the ability to read them.

But, now that’s not possible anymore, since Momonosuke’s father, Lord Kozuki Oden was the last one who had this ability. At Zou, we found out that the Rio Poneglyphs, and the ones that tell the location of Ancient Weapons were not the only ones. In fact, there was a third and completely new kind of Poneglyphs, called the Road Poneglyphs. The Road Poneglyphs are different from the regular ones, and they serve different purpose as well.

They’re meant to lead people to the Legendary Island known as Raftel. Raftel is where the One Piece is located, and they lead straight to it. There are four of these Road Poneglyphs. We have seen two of these Poneglyphs in the series so far. The First one was revealed at Zou, where Nekomamushi and Inuarashi allows the Strawhat to take a look at it.

The second one was at Whole Cake Island, which is where Big Mom lives. She has one of the Road Poneglyphs as well. Brook made sure to copy that, and along with it, two other Poneglyphs that she had as well. The Third Road Poneglyph is in Kaido’s possession. He probably has it at Wano, where he currently is ruling with an Iron fist. But that’s all we know about the Road Poneglyphs.

The location of the 4th Road Poneglyph remains unknown. Shanks doesn’t have it, because it wouldn’t make sense, as he already knows where Raftel is. Blackbeard is someone who I think will get to Raftel without doing the hard work. He won’t have the Road Poneglyph in my opinion. I think the 4th Road Poneglyph will be kept safely in Elbaf, which would also have one of the Ancient Weapons. After Wano, there won’t be a lot of One Piece left. I think by Elbaf, Luffy will be close to the level of the Yonko. He needs to be there shortly, and if he beats Kaido, he’ll have 3 of the 4 Road Poneglyphs. At Elbaf, he’ll get the 4th, and the location of Raftel will finally be revealed.
Luffy’s New Gear – It’s Not Gear 5th?
Monkey D. Luffy is the Captain of the Strawhat Pirates. He’s probably everyone’s favourite character in the series, mainly because he’s the protagonist. Luffy’s journey has already been going on for about 20 years now, and you’d reckon that during that time, he’s gotten a lot stronger. However, when you actually compare him to the top tier fighters in One Piece, he’s actually not that strong.

But, we all know that he’ll be there eventually. Right now, it doesn’t look like he’ll be reaching the level of the likes of the Yonko anytime soon. Luffy even trained with Rayleigh for about 2 years, where he learnt a lot of new stuff. I think his abilities have improved a lot since then, and we’ve already seen the abilities like Gear 4th Bounce man, and Tank Man.

But, is that enough to take on the strongest of characters? Definitely not. Now, I know that many of you like Luffy so much that you say Gear 4th can do the job. However, that’s not the case at all. Luffy’s Gear 4th is not his most powerful transformation, and I’m pretty sure that it won’t be. Instead, I think Luffy will get a new power. Now, many speculate that Luffy’s next power would be Gear 5th, but I digress. I don’t think we’ll be seeing Gear 5th anytime soon.

Rather, I think Luffy will improve upon his old techniques, like Gear 2nd, and Gear 3rd. So far in the New World, Gear 2nd and Gear 3rd have been nothing short of useless. They don’t do any damage at all. Against Doflamingo, they were both useless. Against Cracker, even Gear 4th couldn’t do much and don’t even get me started on Katakuri. Yet, these techniques are Luffy’s go to techniques.
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